Graduation Requirements
Completion of 220 units, including:
- 170 required units,
- 50 elective units,
- Passing grades (D or better).
ENGLISH — 4 years (40 credits)
Must include English 1 & 2 and English 3 & 4.
Juniors and Seniors can select from a variety of semester English classes
MATHEMATICS — 3 years (30 credits)
Must include Algebra 1-2 unless such a course was completed prior to 9th grade.
SCIENCE— 3 years (30 credits)
Must include Physics in the Universe, The Living Earth, and Chemistry in Earth Systems - the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) sequence.
SOCIAL STUDIES — 4 years (40 credits)
Must include World Cultures and Geography (for current students through the class of 2027) - replaced by Community & Consciousness - Ethnic Studies (beginning with the class of 2028), Social Issues, World History 1 & 2, U.S. History 1 & 2, American Government, and Economics
FINE ARTS — 1 year (10 credits)
Art Explorations is required before taking a visual art elective