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Graduation Requirements Homeless Youth

To obtain a high school diploma, a homeless student shall complete all courses required by Education Code 51225.3 and fulfill any additional graduation requirements established by the TUHSD Governing Board.

Homeless Youth May Qualify for an Exemption of TUHSD Graduation Requirements if:

  • A homeless student transfers from another school district into the Tam District after completing their second year of high school 


  • A homeless student transfers between 2 high schools within the Tam District after completing their second year of high school

In some cases, the Tam District may find that the student is reasonably able to complete the additional requirements in time to graduate from high school by the end of the fourth year of high school. 

Within 30 calendar days of the homeless student's transfer, the Superintendent or designee shall notify the student, the person holding the right to make educational decisions for the student, and the district liaison for homeless students of the availability of the exemption and whether the student qualifies for it. If the Superintendent or designee fails to provide this notification, the student shall be eligible for the exemption once notified, even if the notification occurs after the student is no longer homeless.  (Education Code 51225.1)

To determine whether a homeless student is in the third or fourth year of high school, the district shall use either the number of credits the student has earned as of the date of the transfer or the length of the student's school enrollment, whichever qualifies the student for the exemption.  (Education Code 51225.1)

The Superintendent or designee shall notify any homeless student who is granted an exemption and the person holding the right to make educational decisions for the student how any requirements that are waived will affect the student's ability to gain admission to a postsecondary educational institution and shall provide information about transfer opportunities available through the California Community Colleges.  (Education Code 51225.1)

If a homeless student is exempted from TUHSD’s graduation requirements, the exemption shall continue to apply after the student is no longer homeless or if the student transfers to another school, including a charter school, or school district.  (Education Code 51225.1)