Legal Off-Season Options
Legal Off-Season Options for Coaches
See below for the NCS guidelines for out-of-season play. The Tamalpais Union High School District will not approve out-of-season play for teams unless the coach pursues one of the following two options:
Option 1:
Start or initiate a relationship with a non-profit agency/organization that will sponsor your sports activities which would qualify the agency to rent our high school facilities at the non-profit district fee rates. Normally, the agency would charge the participants membership, dues or a participation fee, but that will vary with each organization.
To secure the use of school facilities, the organization should contact:
- Chris McCune, Director of Community Programs
- Phone: (415) 945-1022
- Fax: (415) 945-1023
- Email:
- Fields hotline: 415-945-3607
- , “Rent a Facility” on the left hand side of the page
Download a facility use application and follow the procedures as far as proof of liability, dates and times desired, etc. Be sure to make contact and plan 3-6 months in advance.
Option 2:
Contact Chris McCune, Director of Community Programs, at the contact information above to arrange a community education program in your specific sport. It could be a camp where the coach is hired by Community Education to conduct a program with fees charged. Or, it could be an open gym, not practice, scheduled an sponsored by Community Education with no fee to the participants because the coach is a volunteer. The coach must register as a volunteer and schedule open gym times and dates 3-6 months in advance so the program can be publicized to the general public.
The athletic directors, Director of Community Programs and site administrators must approve and monitor the issue of off-season athletic activities to avoid any activities against CIF/NCS rules and to protect the liability of the coaches and the District.
Football - CIF Bylaw 1901.C:
Effective in May, 2016, team camps and other off-season activities are allowable with the following equipment only: football pads, blocking sleds and football shoes. NCS Sports and General Rulings Handbook:
210H Summertime School Athletic Activities
During the period of time from the last NCS/CIF athletic competition (CIF Boys’ Golf Championship) until the first NCS authorized conditioning or practice date of the next school year, NCS shall have no authority over NCS member school athletic activities concerning:
- Use of facilities
- Equipment
- Assignment of a coach by the school or school district to coach
- Practices
- Non-NCS/CIF contests
The authority to manage these items shall rest with the individual school district or private school board. All NCS Eligibility Bylaws related to pre-enrollment contact and undue influence still apply. (See further information under Appendix A –Practice and Conditioning Guidelines)
PENALTY FOR VIOLATION: Remedies/penalties for violation of NCS Sports & General Rulings Handbook Bylaw 209H are found in Bylaw 102H. (Board of Managers 10/21/05)
211H Open Gyms and Open Fields
Open gyms and open fields may be sponsored by NCS member schools during the period of the first NCS authorized conditioning or practice date of the fall season through the last NCS/CIF athletic competition (CIF Boys’ Golf Championships) under the following conditions:
- The open gym or open field is open to all community members regardless of age or gender.
- The school must, at the very least, advertise in its daily bulletin, an invitation for participation of all community members.
- During the open gym or open field there cannot be any coaching or practice as defined by NCS Sports & General Rulings Bylaw 200H, 201H a), 202H, 203H, 205H and 206H. School personnel, including paid and volunteer coaches, may supervise a facility and may participate in activities (ex. pick-up games) as long as they do not instruct students in the skills and/or strategies of the sport. (See further information under Appendix A – Practice and Conditioning Guidelines)
PENALTY FOR VIOLATION: Remedies/penalties for violation of NCS Sports & General Rulings Handbook Bylaw 210H are found in Bylaw 102H. (NCS Board of Managers 10/21/05