Parent Rights & Responsibilities
The Tamalpais Union High School District Board of Trustees (Board) recognizes that parents/guardians of district students have certain rights as well as responsibilities related to the education of their children.
The Board believes that the education of the district's students is a shared responsibility. The Superintendent or designee shall work with parents/guardians, including parents/guardians of English learners, to determine appropriate roles and responsibilities of parents/guardians, school staff and students for continuing the intellectual, physical, emotional and social development and well-being of students at each school site, including the means by which the schools and parents/guardians can help students achieve academic and other standards of the school.
Within this framework, the school's primary responsibility shall be to provide a high-quality curriculum and instructional program in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables all students to meet the academic expectations of the school.
Parents/guardians shall have the opportunity to work with schools in a mutually supportive and respectful partnership and to help their children succeed in school. (Education Code 51100)
BP 5020: Parent Rights and Responsibilities
AR 5020: Parent Rights and Responsibilities